I would like to post to your blog in regards to ordering a 'knockoff' gown from Dress Times (www.dresstimes.com). I did not have a good experience. I have attached photos of the original design and then what I actually received. I sent in my exact measurements and when I received the gown, it did not fit at all. There was visible stiching all along the front pleating of the dress. The torso was far too long and the flowers were so low that you could barely see them. The flowers were also much 'cheaper' looking than the original design; the multi-size pearls and beading were replicated with cheap clear 'crafty' plastic beads. We paid a total of $362. When we asked to return it, they offered $100 for us to try to get it fixed ourselves, or $155 is we returned the gown (but we would have to pay for the return shipping). To say the least, it wasted a lot of valuable time and money. When you're on a budget, every penny counts, and this was extremely disappointing. I would not recommend that anyone take a chance with this company.
L. H.
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